Anne Griffiths – February 2016


Apart from when you are dyeing fabric, science is rarely mentioned alongside stitch and certainly one does not think of it when designing work but our speaker this month, Anne Griffiths opened our eyes to a different world.


In 2007 Anne got involved with an amazing project at the Synchrotron based at Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.  I had never heard of a Synchrotron so to enlighten readers I quote from the Diamond  website:  “Diamond Light Source is the UK’s synchrotron. It works like a giant microscope, harnessing the power of electrons to produce bright light that scientists can use to study anything from fossils to jet engines to viruses and vaccines.”

Anne worked with members of the Women’s Institute, the Oxford Trust and the Diamond Light Source and used the Wellcome Trust library to translate images of diseases, scans and microscopic images into stitch.  To ensure consistency of colour, the group spent a day dyeing and 80% of the panel had to use these fabrics.  Anne showed us a variety of images of the finished work which is now displayed in that atrium at Harwell for all to enjoy.   There was a royal opening at the end of the project when the Queen received a gift created by Anne Griffiths.
Diamond wanted to continue its relationship with the arts and went on to create Artists in Residence positions.  Anne applied and now works alongside metal sculptor, Paula Groves and painter, Sharon Wyper.

Thank you Anne for a very interesting talk.  If you would like further information look on Anne’s website:

Report by Ros

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