On Monday we all enjoyed our annual “bring & share” Christmas lunch. Each member was given a surprise embroidery pack and a complimentary raffle ticket – we had a wonderful selection of prizes.
After our meal we were entertained by Eliza McClelland who visited two years ago to talk to the Guild about her beading and held a workshop the following day. Today Eliza, who is also an actress, promised not to mention the “S” or the “B” word (sewing or beading) and to concentrate on the “C” word, Christmas! She told stories and jokes, recited poems and challenged us with a quiz.
It was a great start to the festive season and we all parted wishing each other a very Happy Christmas and looking forward to meeting up again in the New Year.
The next meeting will be on Monday 6 January when members are asked to bring items for a “Show & Tell” table and Ros Lomas’ talk will be entitled “Time to learn”. Members are asked to arrive from 13.30 for a 14.00 start.