It is amazing how all our lives have changed in just a very short period of time. To try and keep everybody in touch we thought it would be fun to post photographs of what members have been up to. They are in no particular order, just as they arrived in my “In Box”. It would be great to do another one in time for our next meeting which was to be in early May so I look forward to receiving your contributions. Ros
Clare R has kindly sent a photograph showing her gallery of work. You have been busy – Thanks Clare!

Message from Hazel P – thanks Hazel!
Since the lock down I have been continuing to embroider on these off cuts of fabric I bought at the June 2019 meeting – fabric designed and hand printed by that month’s speaker Alison Hulme.
Haven’t worked out what I will do with them yet, maybe make door stops.
I also had a go at making masks, but of course they are not the right fabric.

Message from Nikki V W
As you can guess I working on several things at the moment.
I have joined a free online workshop Revival Sketch book course.
American but some British artists on it they are good I did send details to Vernice to share with the guild.
Also the South west Region 8 inch Floral hoop deadline extended also the Areofil Competition “Doors “to do!!
Current work stitched Lima with Hibiscus and finished Parrot.
When this is finished I think I will have a zoo!
I am also painting a Daffodil and Doll still life.
Plus lots of gardening and cooking.
Made potato peel crisps and Chicken Stock!

Message from Lindsay
I picked this little wooden frame up online from Rainbow Silks. Good fun.
I’d send a pic of my living room ceiling which I painted today but that would be like watching paint dry
Walls tomorrow……
So I responded asking for a photo anyway!!!
I wasn’t planning on changing things here so soon but as I can’t get out and about it’s inevitable. Thankfully the diy stores are still delivering so I have been able to get my supplies
Being diabetic I’m not going to the supermarket atm, however I have a couple of lovely neighbours and Linda Wells who lives in Calne too, who are keeping me stocked on groceries.
Everyone is being so lovely.

Message from Amanda R. Thanks Amanda – really love your files!
I have finally found some concentration to be doing some doodling and as you are looking for items for blog I thought I’d share pics. Its nothing fancy or grand but when you have so much time on your hands I’ve been doing filing of all the papers one accumulates! And to give the ugly files a different look I covered files and boxes in fabric and made free motion embroidery labels for the files! Well it makes a change from looking at ugly files 🙂

Message from Judy Joiner
Here is a photo of my completed picture following the lino printing workshop with Louise Nichol. It was a good day

Message from Ann J. Thank you Ann. I was amazed by the size you must be very pleased and thrilled with the end result – a real family heirloom. I wonder if it is for your own bed or for a present.
Here’s my finished patchwork, all done by hand, it’s taken 18 months. I’m using the yellow blanket for wadding (thrifty!) and a cream cotton sheet for the backing. Today I cleared a space and laid out my sandwich to tack it together. Ripped my hand on a pin and bled right across the newly washed backing. I’ve soaked it and hung it out to dry and will do it all over again tomorrow.
Sorry to read you got blood on your quilt Ann. I saw a similar posting on Facebook the other day and the majority of people responded by suggesting you used your own spit to get the blood off your work – something to do with your enzymes in your spit interacting with your blood . Sounds a bit gross but obviously works!!!

Message from me, Ros L
Just before the dreaded “C” word entered our vocabulary in I decided to enrol on Sue Stone’s course, Stitch your Story. I had done her previous course, Exploring Textiles and Patterns and had really enjoyed it. I had told myself that her latest course was not really my thing but in a weak moment I reasoned with myself that it was the same price as a Summer School and what ever happened I was sure to get enjoyment and learn something. It could not have come at a better time because everything is online and we have to post our work on a Facebook page so it is fun to see everybody else’s interpretation of the challenge. So folks here are my first efforts. They are not supposed to be finished pieces – when we have learnt more we can obviously go back so we will see. At present we are asked not to use images of anyone we know. The photo of the old gentleman is one I took in Gujarat many years ago – I have always loved it but it was not until I looked closely I realised he only had one tooth :-)))) Hopefully by the time we have another of these postings I will have some more to show you. PS Sorry I should have ironed them but . . . . . !!!

Message from Christine H – thanks Christine!
Christine reminded me that today (Wednesday 1 April) we should have been going to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. I had forgotten! What a great shame but hopefully we can put it on the calendar for next year.
Christine calls this her “PHD and not the type of thing we usually do”. Come on Christine, at this time we are allowed to do absolutely anything to keep ourselves sane and I think it is super.

Email from STITCH
Hi Rosalind _
The latest issue of Stitch is published today: Thursday 26 March 2020. This is to let you know the story of the Savernake embroidery is covered in our letters page. Thank you so much for sharing.
This issue is all about appreciating what’s around us and making the most of it. There’s a whole host of ideas on capturing the beauty and strength of nature in stitch. Plus clever projects that champion left-overs by turning bits you might otherwise throw away into something else altogether. The pages are simply bursting with needle and thread inspiration to keep hand and mind happy. And we all need a good dose of stitching to keep us going!
We have a couple of offers that may be of interest to yourself or your fellow embroiderers. If you don’t already subscribe, you can download a digital copy TODAY by heading to:
There’s an amazing offer: 3 issues for just £5! With so many shops closed, this might be the easiest way to get a stitching fix for now.
Or you can take advantage of our very special UK subscription deal: 3 issues for £3!
Although this option would start with the next issue.
Keep stitching and keep me posted with your news!
Kat McDonnell
Editor, Stitch Magazine
Tel: 07764 576014

A message left on our website
My name is Tanya and I specialise in medieval embroidery.
my work is here
I teach for several museums and galleries, including the Ashmolean in Oxford. Since all classes and events are currently cancelled or postponed, I’ve created a couple of online classes to get us all through the long boring lock down.
One is laid and couched work (bayeux style stitching) in wools, which is suitable for beginners to intermediate, and the other is a more advanced class in opus anglicanum. I’m offering an option to have a kit sent out, or a cheaper option which will be access to the digital media only (useful for stashbusting).
I wondered if this might be something your members would be interested in, and would be very grateful if you would let them know about it.
The shop link is here
and there’s also an opusanglicanum facebook group, which many participants are involved with, and which is open to all who are interested in medieval embrodiery
thank you, Tanya
Message from Annie F. Thank you Annie!
I’ve just finished this baby blanket which is done in mitred squares

Message from Lindsay S regarding our current challenge. Thanks Lindsay!
Our Planet in Crisis
From rising sea levels, rising sea temperatures, forest fires, drought, global warming etc.
As before we are using a canvas 50cm x 20cm but they will be displayed horizontally.
By my calculations we will be able to hang 13 in a single row and I am hoping that, with more than 2 dozen pieces, we will be able to have 2 or even 3 rows in the final display.
I feel that this will make as effective and impactive a display as we have had in the past.
And, as before, use any fabric, colour, or method of textile design as you would like.
Below is my piece illustrating rising sea levels.
Since receiving this email from Lindsay we have heard that the Conference Centre at University of the West of England (UWE) where the West of England Quilting and Textile exhibition is held, has been turned into a hospital for Covid 19 patients so it looks as if you will now have plenty of time to complete your work.

A message from Ann S. Thanks Ann!
A flash of gold
A combined back ground of distressed painted paper, and layered with a gold embellished fabric. Using stitch, gold paint, rust and a little piece of painted tyvex. this is inspired by places where buildings are faded/old and yet still beautiful in my eyes.

Message from Tase W. Thanks Tase
After doing Anne Helleyer’s workshop before Christmas, I decided to do a picture of my son’s house in Old Town, Swindon (his is much more interesting to look at than mine!). I painted the calico with acrylic paints, crumpled them up and left them to dry for a couple of days. Well, in reality they’ve had 4 months to dry because that’s how long it took me to actually do the in project! I painted the lintels above the window and door with acrylic, but constructed the rest as we did in the workshop. Free motion machining secured the layers and added detail. Son is rather pleased with it!

Flower pounding is a way of transferring colour from flowers on to cloth, which I then embroider to add dimension. If you’d like to have a go, I’ve recorded a video to show you how

Lino cut workshop with Louise Nichols, further embellished with stitch and felt. We did several prints, so I have plenty more to play with!

Well that’s it. Monday 6 April and the sun is shining here in Corsham. I just wish I could have been driving over to Lockeridge for the day with you all but, hey ho not to be. If you have enjoyed reading this please contribute next month.
Keep safe everyone and keep stitching.