It was such a lovely summer’s day for Jenny’s batik workshop and so exciting for us all to be back together again without all the restraints of the last two years.
Jenny arrived with her car ladened with tissue papers, PVA, brushes, various mark making implements and large containers for melting the wax.
Our first project was to layer up tissue papers trapping other colours and shapes between and this was obviously a technique which could then be used in various ways using wax and drawing inks. Then we went on to use stencils and a “secret spray” – it was fun to see the effect when you flipped it and created a positive and negative design.
We used stencils and various mark making tools and implements to create more samples.
We all enjoyed a picnic lunch outside before returning to more challenges.
When we had a number of samples to choose from, we were encouraged to create a collage and it was interesting to see what designs could be achieved. Below is a selection of members work.
Thank you Jenny for a most enjoyable day and for being so generous with all your techniques.