Magical Christmas Workshop
What a fun day we had on Monday at our “in house” magical Christmas workshop.
Everybody arrived in good time to help set up the tables ready for three different workshops. Ann, Nikki and Lindsay had kindly offered to lead the different projects and had already shared examples of their work so we knew what was in store.
Unfortunately Ann had tested positive that morning so thanks to great planning and guidance from Tase and Amanda we were able to continue making Christmas cards in her absence.
The idea was for all of us to spend equal time on each topic and I started with Lindsay, making crackers. She had kindly sourced and prepared a wonderful selection of colourful nets, sheers and, of course collected loads of loo rolls. Lindsay started by showing us how to assemble the cracker and use different stitches, ribbons, baubles and wooden figures to decorate them. She had even researched various size bottles which would fit in the crackers so we left knowing which brand of gin to buy!
Mid morning we all had a break and Vernice kindly organised cake, biscuits, tea and coffee using contributions from members. At £2 for a drink and cake, this was a great fund raiser and by the end of the day she had made a good sum ready to pass to our Treasurer, Maria.
Christmas cards were my second activity. Last year we painted our own papers but without Ann to guide us, she had sensibly sent a selection of papers to cut up together with blank cards, envelopes and luggage labels. There were templates for us to draw round and a selection of finished cards to give us ideas. I had bought some wood blocks at Ally Pally several weeks ago so I was keen to try them out. Although I really missed the painting I was pleased with my final cards and labels.
After lunch my final workshop was with Nikki who again had done a lot of preparation ready for the day. We were given one red and two brown felt hearts and Nikki demonstrated various different ways we could decorate them with hand stitch, beads and sequins ready for assembling and hanging on the tree. We all have our favourite stitch techniques with some members being far more at home with the machine but “hats off to them”, we all had to hand sew. At the end of the session no two hearts were alike and we had all produced some lovely hearts ready to give as gifts or to hang on our own trees.
You never know what gems you are going to pick up next when you go to Lockeridge but on this occasion, in addition to making gingerbread style hearts Nikki gave us some household tips. She is a keen follower of Mrs Hinch on Instagram and my favourite tip of the day was to clean your oven door with a moistened dishwasher tablet. Come on, how many members went home and tried it. Fiona emailed to say she had and I am now the proud owner of two beautifully clean oven doors. Thank you Nikki!!!
Before packing up we displayed all our work on the stage and what an amazing day’s work it was. I really enjoy these “in house” workshops. Whilst we are occupied all day there is still the opportunity to chat to other members and the day is very low key. As a group we are so very fortunate to have members who have the knowledge, the skill and are willing to share their techniques with others.
A very big thank you to Ann, Nikki and Lindsay for leading the groups, to Vernice with her catering hat on and to Tase and Amanda for stepping in to help. I know I speak for everyone who attended, it was a very enjoyable and successful day.
We now have several new members so I do hope they will share some of their interests. I wonder what we can come up with in the future.
Report by Ros
Photos Ros and Vernice (thanks Vernice)
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