Kath did City & Guild courses and a HNC in Stitch Textiles and in 2006 self published a book entitled “Beautiful bowls and colourful creatures”. She told us about her visits to California, Australia and the well know Quilt Show at Houston. Kath talked to groups and organised workshops where she taught her bowl technique and her colourful insects. She kindly brought a selection of her work for members to enjoy.
Thank you Kath for sharing your travels.
The next meeting of the Guild will be held on Monday 3 November when the speaker will be Jenny Adin-Christie and her talk will be entitled “Preserving the Past/Creating the Future”.
Reported by Ros
The next meeting of the Guild will be held on Monday 3 November when the speaker will be Jenny Adin-Christie and her talk will be entitled “Preserving the Past/Creating the Future”.
Reported by Ros