A group of 13 guild members enjoyed a fun day learning how to pound and trap flowers. Linda started the day by demonstrating the procedure and explaining that some flowers and leaves were more successful than others.
We soon learnt how important it was to have moisture-free flowers and leaves and to make the flower as flat as possible by cutting the back off and any stamens in the centre.
We soon learnt how important it was to have moisture-free flowers and leaves and to make the flower as flat as possible by cutting the back off and any stamens in the centre.
We experimented on a small piece of cotton by tapping the chosen petal or leaf from the reverse with a small hammer and then progressed to creating a display sampler. Linda encouraged us to write the name of the plant for future reference.
In the afternoon we progressed to trapping flowers. This is done by trapping the flowers and leaves in a layered web sandwich. Cotton or card can be used as a base and piece of synthetic chiffon tops the work. The sandwich was then ironed to heat the webbing. This procedure seals the flowers in place and therefore the colours do not fade.
Below are photos showing our work. Thank you again to Linda for a most enjoyable and informative day.