Tiggy Rawling – May 2014


Tiggy Rawling’s talk this month was entitled “Travels & Textiles” and she explained her favourite destination was India.  Tiggy was introduced to the country by a teacher at primary school and as a young girl was thrilled to see ladies in saris in the east end of London.  Living in Dorset she followed a patchwork & quilting course and was fortunate to be taught by Anne Morrell at Hampton Court.  Anne is now the curator of the Calico Museum in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.


Tiggy delighted us all with a very colourful presentation showing us photos and examples of block and screen printing from Rajasthan and wonderful samples of embroidery and printing from Gujarat where the minority tribes all have their own particular techniques. 


Tiggy finished her talk by showing us examples of her own work.  She told us she likes to produce a summer and a winter quilt and during the summer months, when she is not visiting India, she holds workshops on dyeing and stitch at home in Dorset.

We enjoy your talk, Tiggy and the opportunity to buy delicious threads, materials, printing blocks and sequins was a great treat!

The next meeting of the Guild will be on Monday 2 June when we will be holding a Branch Open Day.  The speaker will be Jae Maries and her talk will be entitled “Jae’s Journey & Development”.  Doors open at 13.30 – all are welcome and if you require further details please contact 01249 750865 or visit our website: https://www.marlboroughembroiderers.org

Reported by Ros

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