Quilt Show – NEC, Birmingham – August 2013


After an early start and three pickup points, our coach arrived at the NEC about 11.00 on Thursday. I am not sure if it was my imagination, but the exhibition seemed  larger than in previous years with a wonderful selection of quilts on display  and, of course, all the traders who were eager to relieve us of our money.

PictureChristine with her Fine Art Quilt Masters

On behalf of the group I would like to congratulate   Christine Seager who had two quilts on display, one on the  Contemporary Quilt stand and the second was chosen to be included in  the Fine Art Quilt Masters.  What a truly fantastic achievement, well  done Christine!

Christine’s second quilt is displayed in the picture below on the left.

PictureKaffe Fassett signing books

It was fun to bump into friends, to spot textile artists who had visited us in the past or who were well known faces in the textile world.

Here is a selection of quilts which I particularly liked.  If you have a photo of your favourite, email me a copy and I will add it.
Have a good summer and I look forward to meeting up with you all again in September.

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